Sunday, January 15, 2012

Last Lunch from Lynn

I enjoyed the last of my three free lunches from Lynn. We enjoyed Thai by Thai again, the same lunch we had for my first free lunch back in August. Lynn is still looking sad about having to pay up...

But as I've said before, Lynn's bet is what kept me going all summer long. So I owe him thanks for paying up and providing me with three, free yummy lunches, as well for the additional motivation.
Adam- you are next! I'm saving it for something really good and expensive too :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Year = New Running Toys

It's been awhile, too long. I'm still running...although not as consistently as I'd like.
What can I say, I am a work in progress. Maybe is it time to make another bet for some added motivation.

But I do have some new running toys that I received for Christmas (and one for my birthday) that will hopefully help with the consistency issue.

The first new toy was a case for my Ipod touch. This is an excellent case and it is easy to change songs through the plastic screen.

Second and MUCH needed toy, new running sneakers!! I had put a couple hundred miles on my old Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10 running sneakers, but I absolutely LOVED the sneakers.
After wearing Asics and Sauconys for previous half marathons, I tried Brooks based on a recommendation from a running store here in VA. Boy, am I glad I tried them, I am never going back to anything else. So I asked Santa for an updated version of my Brooks, the GTS 11. And this time I asked for a brighter, more exciting color. I love them and so do my feet.

This was a birthday gift from my cousins, Ali and RJ. Ali is into running like me and a friend has suggested she read this book. Ali thought I would like it too. I have yet to start it, but I am told that after read parts, I will want to just get up and RUN! I hope so!