(oops- I mean Sarah Lanigan).

We LOVE weddings! The morning of her wedding was spent reminiscing about our days back in high school when we'd watch episodes of The Wedding Story on TLC after school, singing the cheesy theme song to each other, and dreaming of our own weddings to be.
Sarah's wedding was incredible! I think she took notes about the good, the bad, and the ugly from all those episodes of The Wedding Story because her day was perfect! From the dress to the cake (that she's wanted since she was a little girl).
A perfect wedding turned into a not so perfect run the following day.
We left Buffalo late in the afternoon, but for good reason- we spent the morning visiting with family and friends.
We headed back to Virginia around 2:30 in the afternoon and 8 1/2 hours later we arrived home. But not after we (I mean Brendan) drove the last 3 1/2 hours home in pouring rain, thunder, and lightening. Also, as we reached Route 15 (an hour from home) the traffic was at a standstill. After waiting 25 minutes and moving .5 miles we turned around to go a different route adding an hour on to the trip. None of this seemed to bother Brie, she spent most of the time in the car like this...
After pulling in and unpacking at 11:30pm, I had 30 minutes left to get my run in for the day.
The streets are not well it around our home. So, I ran the sidewalk that runs in front of our condo- back and forth, and back and forth (about 12 times) to make it to a mile, all while it continued to rain.
However, the long drive home and the late run were well worth it.
The countless episodes of The Wedding Story we had watched together over the years had nothing on Sarah's perfect wedding story- it was amazing and I am thankful that I was able to be a part of it all.