This half marathon was so different from the two I completed in the past. I was so much more prepared and it showed, and not only in my time. In races past I felt winded at numerous points along the way, but not this time. The last half marathon I did in Buffalo (May 2010) I had to stop for a bit at mile 8 due to injury, this time I was able to continue running the entire time.
Part of my strategy for this race was to only stop once for water. At mile 6 I ate a few sport jelly beans for some extra energy and at mile 7 I slowed a little through a water stop to wash the jelly beans down. In the past, water stops have really slowed me down. Everyone in front of you slows to grab water cups and some even stop to drink. I avoided waters spots in an effort to reach my goal time. Luckily, there wasn't much need to drink a lot throughout the race, because...
The weather was perfect! There was no wind, 38 degrees at the start time and it warmed to a little over 40 degrees by the end of the race. The only problem with the weather was at the end of the race- I was freezing! They handed out disposable blankets and I almost didn't grab one. I didn't think I'd need it, but I definitely did.
I also indulge in a few post-race treats. First, before getting in the car to head home I got a massage which was included in the entry fee. Later that evening for dinner I fed my body the calories it was craving! Burger, fries, and a chocolate shake.....yum!

Here I am (black/pink shirt) heading downhill for the last .5 miles...almost there!

All done and trying to stay warm....

So happy with my 2:00:17 personal record!

Me and one of my biggest fans before the race....

You can even click here to see a video of me crossing the finish line. The time on the clock reads 2:08:29 when I cross (on the far left) took a full 8 minutes for my wave to cross the start line at the beginning.
Thanks for everyone for their support and encouragement! I am heading home in a few days and will be participating in the YMCA Turkey Trot 8K on Thanksgiving morning after a two year hiatus.
I cannot wait! I'll have an opportunity to achieve an 8K PR. And after 13.1, 5 miles should be a breeze!
1 comment:
Great work! The race is just the fruits of your labor before.
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