Saturday, May 14, 2011

What do Navy Seal Team 6, extreme couponing, and running a mile every day have in common?

Believe it or not, all 3 do have something in common....they are my goals for the summer of 2011.
I know what you are thinking, Navy Seal Team 6? As a 5'0'', 110lbs woman my chances of being a Navy Seal, let alone a member of the elite Team 6 is slim to none. But, #1- it's good to dream and #2- I can wish to be as bad-ass them, right?

Extreme couponing is certainly more attainable than my previous goal. Yet after hearing what I consider horror stories, of coupons in file cabinets, binders, etc. and 20+ hours a week spent researching and organizing coupons- that goal was removed from the list too.
**I still plan to spend more time this summer following local grocery store ads and being more aware of available coupons, but not to the point where I become known as a crazy coupon lady!

So- I am left with the more feasible goal of running at least one mile every day of my summer vacation. Running a mile each day may seem like a drop in the bucket to many runners. Actually, most of my high school students who run track and cross country chuckled at my plan for the summer. But this girl has struggled with running consistency for a long time and I intend to break the cycle.

I did not plan to blog about my experiences this summer until my goals came up in a conversation with colleagues a few weeks ago. The reaction to my goals were a good mixture of, surprise, support (not so much for Team 6), and teasing. Not to mention, comments such as: "I think you are funny, but crazy", "Team 6, huh?", and my favorite reaction (the catalyst for the blog)- "you cannot run every day, it is against human nature."

This quote came from Lynn, a fellow teacher, whose constant banter with me is a running joke in our department. I decided to challenge him and the outcome was the following bet: I run everyday at least a mile, he buys me two lunches when we return to school. But, if I miss even one day, I buy him two lunches. Another member of our department couldn't help but get in on the bet too- Adam will also buy me one lunch or vice versa if I lose.

The outcome of the bet is not what will drive me this summer- it will be the sheer pleasure of proving Lynn (and "human nature") wrong.


Heather said...

Katie, you totally can do it....I ran everyday for a year and 3 months...I got really sick in april so I broke the streak, but I started over again in mid April...Lynn is wrong...its human nature to do whatever you put your mind and body up to doing...embrace the'll rock!

Heather said...

Oh and ps: I think he should up the ante...two lunches is nothing.

Kathy said...

Katie love your blog. Also I know you and if you make up your mind to run every day during summer vacation, then you will.
Love your biggest fan.
Mom xxoo