If you want to refresh your memory about the "summer of run" and how it began, check that out here.
115 miles in 74 days of running (75, because I couldn't just stop cold turkey, I needed to wean) commenced on June 17th, and as a result here are....
The things I've gained:
1. A new found love and respect for running. Running, to me, is no longer a love/hate relationship (hate it while you are doing it, love it when it is over)- but a love/love relationship instead.
2. Personal satisfaction from setting a goal and working hard to achieve it. There are many days when I did not feel like running, like after this injury or after this trip.
3. A solid running partner, even though we don't always run together.
4. Four free lunches and the sheer joy for having proved Lynn wrong. Lynn- I. WIN.
5. Consistency in my running schedule- I am not running every day (less time now that school is back in session) but I am more consistent and begin to miss it if I haven't been out in a day or two.
Things I've lost:
1. The constant ache in my left knee, IT band, and hip.
2. The feeling of dread I felt as I head for each run- I can't wait to get out there now!
3. The idea that I wouldn't be able to run every day for 74 days.
4. 30 secs off my pace per minute
(enough to hopefully finish a half marathon in November in under 2 hours)
5. 10 lbs. - enough said
Last, but certainly not least, I have to thank a few people for their love and support throughout this process:
My husband Brendan- for being my Webmaster, joining me on an early am and late night run, and for always believing I could do this.
My cousin/running partner Tom- your easy going attitude combined with our crazy conversations make the miles fly by.
My father-in-law- whose love for running (and perseverance) inspires me every day.
My family- my Mom(s), Ross, Dad, Ryan, Rj, Ali, Dan, Uncle Ron, Aunt Michelle, Fraser, Lauren, Shannon, Spencer, Nana, Grandma, Uncle Mark, Aunt Diane (hope I didn't forget anyone)- for your love and support.
My readers- thank you to anyone who took the time to read this dinky little blog that chronicled my experience throughout the summer. I appreciate it more than you know!
**This is not the end of the Summer of Run blog, I intend to keep posting and sharing what I hope continues to be my love/love relationship with running. So- feel free to keep on reading!
1 comment:
Great dedication and discipline
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