Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I finished the summer of run, about 2 weeks ago actually, life is crazy again now that I am back to school. This post is long overdue and I am so excited to be writing it.

If you want to refresh your memory about the "summer of run" and how it began, check that out here.

115 miles in 74 days of running (75, because I couldn't just stop cold turkey, I needed to wean) commenced on June 17th, and as a result here are....

The things I've gained:
1. A new found love and respect for running. Running, to me, is no longer a love/hate relationship (hate it while you are doing it, love it when it is over)- but a love/love relationship instead.

2. Personal satisfaction from setting a goal and working hard to achieve it. There are many days when I did not feel like running, like after this injury or after this trip.

3. A solid running partner, even though we don't always run together.

4. Four free lunches and the sheer joy for having proved Lynn wrong. Lynn- I. WIN.

5. Consistency in my running schedule- I am not running every day (less time now that school is back in session) but I am more consistent and begin to miss it if I haven't been out in a day or two.

Things I've lost:

1. The constant ache in my left knee, IT band, and hip.

2. The feeling of dread I felt as I head for each run- I can't wait to get out there now!

3. The idea that I wouldn't be able to run every day for 74 days.

4. 30 secs off my pace per minute
(enough to hopefully finish a half marathon in November in under 2 hours)

5. 10 lbs. - enough said

Last, but certainly not least, I have to thank a few people for their love and support throughout this process:

My husband Brendan- for being my Webmaster, joining me on an early am and late night run, and for always believing I could do this.

My cousin/running partner Tom- your easy going attitude combined with our crazy conversations make the miles fly by.

My father-in-law- whose love for running (and perseverance) inspires me every day.

My family- my Mom(s), Ross, Dad, Ryan, Rj, Ali, Dan, Uncle Ron, Aunt Michelle, Fraser, Lauren, Shannon, Spencer, Nana, Grandma, Uncle Mark, Aunt Diane (hope I didn't forget anyone)- for your love and support.

My readers- thank you to anyone who took the time to read this dinky little blog that chronicled my experience throughout the summer. I appreciate it more than you know!

**This is not the end of the Summer of Run blog, I intend to keep posting and sharing what I hope continues to be my love/love relationship with running. So- feel free to keep on reading!

1 comment:

Brendan McIntyre said...

Great dedication and discipline